The British Cycling Regional Boards
Terms of Reference
Mission of the Regional Boards
1. The Regional Boards’ mission is to:
a. Identify and implement activities and events, delivering and supporting programmes, to grow anddevelop cycling in the Region in line with the British Cycling strategy.
b. Inform and assist a Region in shaping British Cycling’s national priorities and activities.
c. Provide expertise on Regional matters to members within the Region.
Deliverables of the Regional Boards
2. The deliverables of the Regional Boards are to:
a. Establish a Regional Delivery Plan in conjunction with the Federation’s staff;
b. Issue an annual written report from the Chair to the Federation Commission; and
c. Issue an annual report for consideration at the Regional Annual General Meeting.
Duties and Responsibilities of the Regional Boards
3. The duties and responsibilities of the Regional Boards are to:
a. Develop an annual Regional Delivery Plan for their Region, approve its publication, and monitor progress on a quarterly basis in conjunction with British Cycling regional staff;
b. Approve the formation of any representative Regional Teams in line with Regional Delivery Plan objectives and national initiatives in relation to development of cycling and proactively take responsibility for their staffing and participation;
c. Ensure a balanced, accessible Regional events framework for all British Cycling recognised disciplines, taking into consideration the national framework; facilitate its delivery, including the administration of the competition calendar and approval of Regional events within this framework, always collaborating with other Regional Boards in doing so;
d. On behalf of the National Board approve the affiliation and re-affiliation of clubs and teams inthe Region in line with British Cycling’s requirements;
e. Engage with other Regional Boards, the Technical Commission and discipline-specific Commissions as necessary in order to effectively carry out their responsibilities and to promote cross-Regional working;
f. Aid the development of all cycling disciplines in the Region in line with the discipline plans;
g. Monitor cycling activity connected to the Federation’s Talent Pathway, always ensuring that such activity links to the Discipline Plans and Regional Delivery Plans;
h. Make cycling accessible to members in the Region, ensuring that diversity and inclusion is promoted throughout all of its activities;
i. Aid the flow of information between the Regions and British Cycling head office;
j. Ensure good governance of the Region in line with the Federation’s formal objectives and Governance Guide for British Cycling Regions;
k. Administer for the benefit of the Federation all funds entrusted to the Region by National Council and the Board in accordance with the Memorandum, Articles, Bye Laws and Financial Regulations; and
l. Abide by the Federation’s Articles, Bye Laws, and any regulations or policies including but not limited to the Technical Regulations, Financial Regulations, Disciplinary Regulations, Anti-Doping Regulations, Safeguarding Regulations and the Equality Policy, as updated from time to time, escalating any items of concern in a timely manner and supporting resolution process as appropriate.
m. Appoint a Region Welfare Officer to support the work of the Federation’s compliance and safeguarding team.
4. Regional Boards may wish to pursue or consider the following duties:
a. How to manage and oversee consultants who work directly with the Regional Boards.
Key Dates of the Regional Boards
5. The following are key dates for the Regional Boards:
a. An annual report is to be issued no less than 14 days prior to the Regional Annual General Meeting.
b. An annual report to the Federation Commission for the Spring/Summer meeting.
Composition of the Regional Boards
6. The Regions shall have regard to the Board’s commitment to improving diversity and inclusivity on its committees and commissions in line with British Cycling and other recognised governance guidelines.
7. The Regional Boards shall include the following key roles:
a. Chair
b. Vice Chair(s)
c. Secretary or Administrator
d. Treasurer
8. The minimum number of Regional Board members shall be 8 and the maximum shall be 15.
9. For the avoidance of doubt, members of the National Board, Company Secretary, President and British Cycling staff shall be entitled to attend Regional Board meetings with the right to speak but not to vote. They shall not be members of the Regional Board by virtue of this paragraph. The Regional Secretary or Administrator shall ensure that a calendar of all Regional Board and Regional Council meetings and the notice of all such meetings is provided to the Company Secretary in sufficient time to allow attendance.
10. Where the full complement of Regional Board members has not been elected, a Regional Board may co-opt up to 3 additional members into the Regional Board until the next Regional Annual General Meeting. This is subject always to the Regional Board not exceeding 15 members.
11. If a member of a Regional Board resigns:
a. That Regional Board may co-opt an additional member until the next AGM of Regional Council. For the avoidance of doubt, this shall not count towards the 3 additional co-opted members as detailed in paragraph 10 but shall count towards the maximum membership of 15.
b. At the next Regional Annual General Meeting, a new member shall be elected for the remainder of the term of the departing member.
12. Any term served by an individual in accordance with paragraphs 10 and 11 shall count towards the maximum of 9 years on the Regional Board.
13. Regional Boards may have workgroups in key areas of development in line with the protocols in the Governance Guide for British Cycling Regions. Any such workgroup is required to be established by the Chair with the support of the Regional Board and should report back their work through the Chair. These groups are likely to operate virtually to save on cost.
14. The Regions shall have regard to a robust succession planning process as part of their ongoing development and planning activity.
Regional Boards Procedures
15. The Regional Boards shall meet a minimum, on four occasions per year but always as often as required to fulfil its duties and to meet the deliverables and key dates.
16. A quorum for meetings shall be the greater of:
a. 5 Regional Board members; or
b. 50% of the Regional Board members.
17. Every endeavour will be made to reach decisions on the basis of consensus but where a matter needs to be put to the vote, this will be by show of hands and a decision will be on the basis of a simple majority. All members of the Regional Board shall have one vote. In the event of a tie, the Chair shall have the casting vote.
18. Minutes of each meeting shall be recorded, and the Regional Secretary or Administrator shall ensure they are both published to be available to Members and forwarded to the Company Secretary within two months of their approval.
19. Where these Terms of Reference are silent, the Regional Boards shall be free to determine its own procedures in the running of their meetings, seeking guidance from the Company Secretary when necessary. They shall not, though develop further Terms of Reference or similar.
20. The Chair of a Regional Board may escalate unresolved disputes relating to the Regional Delivery Plans to the Chair of the Federation Commission.
21. All reasonable expenses for volunteers will be met.
Approved by the British Cycling Board
To find out about all vacancies within the South East Region, go here
21 July 2021